When my son was an infant, I was committed to nursing him as long as possible. Colostrum, bonding and the mind-blowing feeling of connection to my child were good enough reasons. I was building Faceplant and working out of my garage, so that made nursing ‘at work’ a little easier on me.
Like many new moms, I started out with a significant level of discretion when nursing in public, but by about the third month, with errands to run, work to do, “mommy brain” and the simple exhaustion of running on about 3 hours of sleep a night, let’s just say, I got sloppy.
One day, just as I pulled into the grocery store parking lot, he decided the time to eat was NOW. Like any good Mom, I’d developed tricks and tactics for working a nursing baby under just about any shirt I chose to wear. On this particular day, however, I had luckily worn a proper nursing bra beneath a cross-over shirt that pulled open to either side effortlessly. Easy Peasy.
Pull the shirt to the side, pop the snap on the bra, and we had a happy suckling child who completed his mission just as I completed my grocery list in my head. I disengaged my benevolent dictator, strapped him into his carrier, and off we went.
The guy at the meat counter smiled broadly as he packaged my peppered turkey. The young man in produce barely glanced my way when I asked if they had any Granny Smiths. As I traversed the third aisle of the store, I had the awareness of a strong draught on my left side and looked down in horror to discover that I’d forgotten to ‘zip up’!
A gruesomely embarrassing moment of Mommy-dom! (Mommy-dumb?) I like to think we’ve all been there, but maybe that’s just one of those things I tell myself!
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I thought it might be charitable to save other mommies from such abject social horror and we’ve got a couple of great ideas that might help:

The Voyageur Wrap comes in either our signature light and silky Faceplant Bamboo®. The Voyageur is an easy going wrap that can be tied ands worn as a shirt, draped as a poncho, a scarf or a head wrap, but most importantly for this discussion, it's a soft and available nursing cover. Either way, it's a piece that can be paired over any favorite outfit, so it's always on hand for nursing emergencies.

The Crossover Hoodie is a semi-fitted pullover hoodie that pairs perfectly with your favorite jeans or leggings. It's a natural lollygagging lounge layer with a wide bottom band and thumb holes to tuck in tight.
But the real magic is the snap closure v-neck that gives nursing moms easy access with discretion. Just pop the snap and go to work. (Just remember to snap it back when you're finished!)
Mother’s Day is May 9th. Do a good deed and save someone you love from social disgrace.
Sweet Dreams, always.